Recently, I announced my proposed FY 2024 budget for the City of Houston. While I won’t be mayor next year, I will leave the City in a stronger financial position than what I inherited in 2016.
The proposed budget for all funds totals $6.2 billion. It is balanced with the most robust fund balance reserve in recent history, placing the City in the best fiscal position to address future economic uncertainties.
The budget would utilize $160 million from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – funding the City has used to help maintain critical services that would have otherwise resulted in employee layoffs and cut city services due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. While the budget relies on federal funds, even in the absence of the ARPA funding, the City could have balanced the fiscal year 2024 budget by drawing down from the fund balance with the assistance of the ARPA funding. Being your mayor is an honor and a privilege, and I never take the responsibility for granted. My priority is to keep Houston strong and resilient for the future.
Africa’s culture, food, and music came alive recently when the City of Houston hosted the annual Africa Day celebration. Thanks to my Office of Trade and International Affairs, we celebrated with a diverse audience of Houstonians and several ambassadors who blessed us with their presence. African Union Ambassador to the United States, Her Excellency Hilda Suka-Mafudze, was the guest speaker. As Africa grows, Houston will ensure that our relationship with this rich and diverse continent will also continue to flourish. Africa Day is one of our ways to showcase this relationship.