
استقلال لبنان الـ81 : حكاية وطن ينتظر الفجر … كتبت: جوليا نادر
يطل علينا عيد الإستقلال الواحد والثمانون، لكن هذا العام يختلف عن سابقه. لم تعد إحتفالات الإستقلال كما كانت في الماضي؛ الشوارع لم تعد مزينة بالأعلام كما كانت، والمشاعر التي كانت تسكن قلوب اللبنانيين أصبحت متضاربة. كيف نحتفل ونحن نعيش في وطن ما زال يبحث عن إستقلاله...
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World Children’s Day: Between Celebrating Rights and Suffering in Conflict Zones
On November 20 each year, the world celebrates World Children's Day to promote children's well-being and highlight their fundamental rights, such as education, healthcare, and a decent life. While some countries celebrate progress in protecting children, children in...
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Patriarch Estephan El Douaihy: A Beacon of Faith and Unity in Maronite History
Patriarch Estephan El Douaihy of Ehden is one of the most prominent figures in the history of the Maronite Church and Lebanon. He played a significant role in strengthening the Christian faith and developing the Maronite Church during a challenging period in history....
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Building Bridges: Dr. Massad Boulos on Strengthening Arab-American Influence in U.S. Politics
Dr. Massad Boulos is a prominent figure in the campaign of U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, where he serves as the coordinator for Arab relations. Dr. Boulos is of Lebanese descent and is known for his active role in building bridges of communication between...
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Mayor Whitmire Makes First State of the City Appearance
I recently had the opportunity to deliver my first State of the City speech to a sold-out crowd of business and community leaders on Wednesday, Sept. 17. As I said during the event, Houston is a great city with great people. However, like all major cities, we have...
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