
Gibran… Conquered the world with his words!
Today, the Gibran Khalil Gibran Cultural Association in Texas was registered. It is a new addition to the Lebanon Times’ family. One may ask now, Why, How, and what are the goals of this Association? This Association was born to be a cultural and literary pioneer...
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The City’s Future is In Your Hands Vote on November 6/ Part 2 By Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner
When there is no presidential election on the November ballot, many people don’t vote, even though they are eligible to vote. They don’t think that stakes are high enough for them to spend the time to cast a ballot for candidates and on referendums. They could not be...
read moreHoliday Crime Prevention Tips .By Officer H. Amri
Unfortunately, burglars view the holiday season a little differently than the rest of us. For them, it is a time of opportunity. The Houston Police Department wants you to be safe! By practicing the suggested crime prevention tips, you can help reduce the chances of...
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The City’s Future is In Your Hands Vote on November 6 …. By Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner
Along with the contests for senator, governor and other elected offices, the Nov. 6 ballot will include two crucial items for all voters who live in the city of Houston. Please don’t forget them when you vote, either in the early voting period that starts Oct. 22 or...
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Halloween … بين القمح المسلوق ..وأشباح الغرب
في بلادي البربارة تعني يوم قداسة وقصة ابنة ملك رفضت عبادة الأصنام وأعلنت إيمانها بالمسيحية وهربت من القصر ولحقها والدها مع فرقة عسكرية وقتلها في بلادي نحتفل بعيد البربارة ببراءة، بالقمح المسلوق وصناعة الحلو العربي مثل العوامات والقطايف بالجوز، ويرتدي الأطفال ازياء...
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