On one eve of the USA’s Independence Day, which coincides with July the fourth of every year, the British Daily Telegraph published an article about this day and its importance to Americans and to other countries where Independence Day is celebrated.

What is Independence Day which is on July 4th?

It is the day that the USA celebrates its independence from the British Empire. Congress had adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 which stated that the 13 American colonies warring with Great Britain are independent states.

What happened in the Independence War?

The 13 American colonies waged war against Britain’s United Kingdom and then became the United States of America after the Declaration of Independence was ratified on July 4, 1776. George Washington led the American armed forces which were supported by France and Spain thanks to the diplomatic work of Thomas Jefferson.

Since when is Independence Day celebrated?

The first was on July 4, 1777 when cannons fired 13 shots to celebrate it but the actual term was not used until 1791.

In 1870, Independence Day became a paid holiday for federal employees and in 1938, Congress agreed to make it a national paid holiday.

Why did Americans want independence?

“No Taxation without Representation” was a unifying cry after a rising British national debt lead Britain to adopt measures that increased customs’ tariffs on imports and increased the burden on citizens. After many protests, Britain removed most taxation except the tariff on tea, so Americans boycotted tea. In 1773, the people of Boston destroyed a whole cargo of tea. Taxation led to protests and then to a widespread revolutionary war.

What happens on Independence Day?

Camping, barbecue, and fireworks in Red, White, and Blue, and displaying signs of God Bless America.

What countries celebrate their independence on the same day?

The Philippines and Rwanda celebrate on July 4th for their own reasons. The USA granted the Philippines its independence on that day in 1946. In Rwanda, the genocide was ended with the assistance of the USA on July 4th, 1994. Denmark also celebrates it on the same day.

Who signed the Declaration of Independence document and then passed away on the same date years later?

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson not only signed on the Declaration of Independence, but became presidents later on, and both passed away 50 years after ratifying it on July 4th.

The Lebanon Times comment is as follows: This country truly deserves that we declare: God Bless America.