We are getting older, sir…and we are over the hill!

We used to walk on 2 feet, now we need 3…We are getting older, sir…We did not know that our life would pass so fast, that the year is almost done, and that life is a journey…the journey of journeys…and we did not know that every person has a role in the theater of life. He or she plays it and then curtsies away…. This is life!

But the question that is often asked: When does a person’s old age begin?

Scientists have proved that old age in humans starts after 39 years of age…and that it is unavoidable even if one keeps exercising, because exercise strengthens the immune system and fosters good mood but nothing more since it cannot stop cellular aging.

At this age, the production of Myelin starts to decrease, which leads to a weakening in the functions of the brain, the heart, and causes disturbances in the musculoskeletal system. Skin cells start to age, wrinkles to appear, and elasticity is lost. Hair begins to fall.

Scientists indicate that the level of Myelin starts to decrease in middle age, but humans have enough of it yet to take the steps needed to slow down brain aging and to delay its age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and many others.

There are many ways to slow down the decrease of Myelin, such as taking multivitamins and eating healthy foods which include those rich in minerals and certain oils as part of specially chosen diets. For example, Folic Acid, vitamin B12, essential fatty acids, vitamins C and D, green tea, the Martin plant, white willow bark, extra virgin olive oil, fatty fish, nuts, cocoa, avocado and spinach.

On the other hand, a study conducted by scientists in the US shows that old age cannot start at the same age for men and women, because women live longer so logically their old age starts at a later stage than men.

Lebanon Times would like to have the following comment: there is a group of humans who were born little and who lived little, because they have a little narrow mentality. May God have mercy upon their souls.