This is a shocking reality but it has actually been proven scientifically. We shall start with cases that most often lead to divorce, which both spouses must know about lest they separate.

Infidelity is the primary reason for divorce. Lavish weddings can be an indicator of a less than successful marriage.

Other reasons would be too great a difference in educational and/or financial status; and spouses that do not work full time are more likely to get a divorce.

Social media has increased the incidence of divorce. Addictions, like alcoholism or gambling, are a highway to divorce.

A British study confirms that divorce has become more common among the elderly as compared to other categories that are trying to start a new life.

A primary reason for divorce is a lack of a sexual life between spouses.

Now what are the factors that indicate that your romantic relationship will be eternal and that you will definitely be rid of the possibility of divorce, and that you will stay together despite all the hardships you might encounter? These are:

No feelings of hatred after arguments, healthy communication, genuine love even during hard times, blind trust in each other even if one of you disappeared for a week, common goals, and a mutual search for solutions to problems.

One of the best advantages is being able to admit to faults, clean and straight. You both know what the other needs and you respect that.

You laugh together, you laugh a lot, for that is the gateway to joy. You support each other during difficult times.

And we have thus presented to you, our readership, primary indicators of divorce as well as those for an enduring romantic relationship. The choice is yours….Choose between honey and onions!

It is all in your hands.